Submit to Montage

Submission period open through
January 31, 2023

Montage only publishes work by undergraduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

PROSE submissions may include up to 3,000 words contained within one prose piece or multiple prose pieces per person. Montage accepts short fiction, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction.

POETRY submissions may include up to 300 lines contained within one poem or multiple poems per person. All poetic forms are welcome.

DRAMA submissions may include excerpted screenplays or one-act plays of up to 3,000 words.

ART submissions may include up to 5 pieces of visual art. If you can’t scan your work (e.g., oil paintings, installation art), take the best picture you can of it.

All written pieces must be set in 12-point Times New Roman font and sent as separate Word documents. Number each page. Include only the title of each piece in the file name.

All submitted pieces must be attached as separate JPEG or PNG image files. Include only the title of each piece in the file name.

Do not include any identifying information in the submitted work files.

As you prepare to submit your work, feel free to look through some of our previous journals! You may contact us at with any questions or concerns.

The responding student (“The Student”) who has submitted poetry, prose, drama, or visual artwork (“The Work”) to Montage Arts Journal (“Montage”) agrees to the following terms and conditions:

Term I: Plagiarism: The Student verifies that The Work is The Student’s own original creation, and has not been copied, plagiarized, co-opted, or appropriated from the work of any other person. a. Submitted visual artwork must not be a tracing, a copy, or any such appropriation of another person’s artwork. b. Submitted literature must not be plagiarized, in whole or in part, from any other person’s work of poetry, prose, or drama work. cThe Student may not have sold The Work to anyone else prior to submitting the work for review and possible publication. d. The Student is fully responsible for any legal action that may occur as a result of a violation of Term 1 (Plagiarism). e. Montage is in no way liable for any legal action if The Student violates Term 1.

Term II: Publication Rights: The Student gives full permission to Montage Arts Journal to publish The Work. a. If The Work is accepted, Montage may publish The Work in any medium, including print and online publications. b. Montage may use The Work in promotional materials, including social media. c. Montage has permission to change the font, font size, margin and line spacing of The Work to meet graphic design needs and style of the publication.

Term III: Student’s Rights: The Student will retain full financial and creative privileges in regards to The Work, outside the scope of The Work’s publication in Montage. a. If The Work is accepted, the student retains the right to publish The Work in any other future publication that allows previously-published work. b. The Student may not seek payment from Montage if Montage makes creative or promotional use of The Work. 

d. The Student retains the right to profit from The Work in the future, as long as the student does not attempt to profit from The Work’s publication in Montage Arts Journal, or any use of The Work by Montage.

Term IV: Non-Discrimination Statement: a. Montage will not reject work on the basis of the author’s race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. b. Montage will not reject work purely on the basis of the race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability expressed in the submitted work.